
Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

Reference From White Label Media Ltd

"Mike is a first class management accountant - thorough, well organised, meticulous and always diplomatic enough to not mention when his knowledge and experience far outweighed my own on any given subject. It has been a pleasure to work with Mike over many years"

Dan Haddon - MD White Label Media on Linkedin on 10 May 2012

Excellent company accountany services

"We were very pleased with the way Michael produced our year end accounts and helped us with the posting of said accounts to companies house for not only our annual accounts but our annual return as well. He has also dealt with HMRC for us on our behalf and has done an great job for us all round. We would not hesitate to use his services again"

Hope And Wellbeing Foundation Ltd On Yell on 10 July 2015

Accounts Set Up - Puddleduck Books

"Friendly and great service. Has really helped me with getting my direct selling business accounts up and running. Highly recommend. Thank you."

Jemima Tash - Puddleduck Books on Facebook on 21 October 2015

Tax Return dealt with efficiently

"Mike dealt with my husbands tax return in a friendly and efficient way as he can no longer do it himself and we had a small refund within two weeks of submission. Would recommend him thoroughly"

BettyW16 On Yell.com on 15 Nov 2015

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International Association Of Book-keepers Member

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